Rabu, 20 Mei 2009


ketika sesuatu akan terjadi, aku merasa yakin itu pasti...
entah kenapa suatu kejadian yang seharusnya tidak ada justru muncul dan membuat warna pada hari itu rabu tanggal 20 bulan mei tahun 2009...

hari ini hari ku, jam sebelas (11.00 am)aku sudah mempersiapkan dress-code jas hitam kemeja coklat begitupun dengan dasi dengan kombinasi coklat salur yg compat

Ruang sidang yg hening membuat suasana memaksa untuk semaksimal mungkin memberikan yg terbaik, infocus menyala dengan desain slide yg ku buat...dan aku duduk dan siap..

saatnya aku menyelesaikan studi...aku harap begitu...dan ingin cepat selesai...namun warna itu telah mengubahnya...aku tidak bisa memaksakan..(causes unpublished)

waktu terus melangkah jauh, kondisi ini memacu ketakutan...
jam satu sudah, hari itupun belum mulai...

Thanks' god...1.40 pm...aku memulai persentasinya dengan perlengkapan dan peralatan yg pas...dan itupun berlangsung sangat lama....lumayan

otak mikir dari kemarin...hasilnya lumayan...

4.00 pm...dramatisasi muncul ketika airmata itu tak sengaja didatangkan...mendengarnya pun haru biru....

lulus itupun pernah aku rasakan...

terimakasih buat semuanya....

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009


Mukhtar Hamim. 2009. Antagonistic Potency of Bacteria Isolated from Local Microorganism of Banana Stump in Suppressing Blast Disease (Pyricularia grisea [Cooke] Sacc) on Rice. Supervised by Luciana Djaya and Hersanti.

Blast disease caused by Pyricularia grisea [Cooke] Sacc. is the most important disease on dry land rice. The use of antagonistic bacteria as bio-control agents is an alternative control method and friendly to environment.
The objective of the research was to isolate bacteria from Local Microorganism (MOL) of banana stump which were antagonistic to P. grisea in vitro and able to suppress blast on dry land rice var Cirata in glasshouse. The research was carried out in the Phytopathology Laboratory and Glasshouse of the Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran from December 2008 to March 2009.
There were two experiments i.e.: dual culture test on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and antagonism test on dry land rice var Cirata in the glasshouse. Both treatments were arranged in the completely randomized design consisted of 4 replications for in vitro and 3 replications for glasshouse test.
Among the fourteen bacterial isolates tested by dual culture, 7 isolates were antagonistic against P. grisea in vitro. The highest suppression was shown by B11BP isolate, the in vitro inhibition were 69,4%. However, the seven bacterial isolates were not effective in suppressing blast on dry land rice var Cirata in the glasshouse.